Why computational thinking is important in kids?

As and when we think of coding or STEM programs our imagination reflects a picture of a person completely busy with a computer and typing out the instructions for computer. As a parent, we want our children to be very expert with coding and managing such high profiled career in future. But, for this, is it enough to make them learn coding? Or how they will convert their ideas into the codes? The answer for the question is computational thinking.

Computation thinking is not only the basic problem solving skill needed for coding but it is life skill. It fosters logical problem solving and creativity in children.

What is computational thinking?

Computation thinking is a frequently used term in the computer science. It means nothing more than a problem solving skill. Let us consider an example for children to get ready for school in the morning. It seems to be a simple task. But further children need to logically divide it into small sub-tasks. To get dressed, to collect the school books, put them into the school bag, put the lunchbox and water bottle into the bag. They can further break each of these steps into smaller task.  There is no chance to skip any of the steps. Computation thinking has four key components.

  • Decomposition – It involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller and manageable task.
  • Pattern recognition – Discovering the similarities within the problems and tasks 
  • Abstraction – Focusing on relevant information and ignoring the irrelevant one
  • Algorithm – Creating a step by step solution or the rules that need to follow to get the solution

Computational thinking is a prerequisite to comprehend the future technologies. By teaching CT to the children we are inculcating the problem solving skill and other skills that will allow them cope up with the technology and digital culture. It is the most important skills that we can teach to the children specifically before involving then for children’s coding. It helps them to logically solve a problem by breaking it into simple and manageable steps. Amazing thing is that CT can be taught without any device hence it is easy for the youngest learners to grasp the concept of CT. It can seek the space in the classroom at the elementary classes as it does not need any device. It will serve as the foundation level for kids coding course curriculum which is a mandate part of academics. 

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